Year 6 Creating and Closing Space 3


To use shooting skills from a range of distances and when in different positions.


To understand and discuss how knowledge and skills can be transferred to different games.

Social and Emotional 

To understand how to lead an effective warm up which is focused on improving a particular skill (e.g. stamina)




Warm Up

Increase the area for children to move around in to support those who find negotiating space difficult.

Physical Competence

Children may work in similar or mixed ability pairs.


Adults may need to model the skills again for some groups individually.


Feedback and things to look for will need to be made clear to children and modelled to support lower achievers to give accurate feedback.

Defenders can become more active as children progress (trying to intercept the ball)

Decision Making

Space – make the area larger to ensure children have more time to think and clearer opportunities to pass.


Assigning roles within a team may support children’s decision making

Improving Performance

Give specific aspects to look for to help with feedback progress

Cool Down
Increase the area for children to move around in to support those who find negotiating space difficult.

Lesson 3

Split into small groups and ask children to plan and use their own warm up routine. Remind the children of what an effective warm up must do (See teaching points)

Tactics for finding space to shoot

Work with a partner – stand 5 – 6 metres apart with a target area (two cones 1 metre apart) halfway between them. Aim to strike the ball over or next to one of the cones, similar to shooting into the corner of the goal.

After a few minutes, change the rules of the activity. This time, Child A must stand next to one of the cones and pass the ball to Child B. Child B must be waiting in an area which would be a good position to shoot from. They control the pass from Child A and shoot. Swap roles after every few minutes.

Image Year 5 Footbal Lesson 3

Progression: Add in a passive defender (Child C) who will shadow child B as they try to find space. The defender should not attempt to tackle, just to make it harder for Child B to find space to receive the pass. (See image)

Image Year 5 Footbal Lesson 3a

Finding positions to score

Play a 4v4 game with a goal at each end for team to score in. Teams may or may not have a goalkeeper.


Rules may be added such as a team must complete 4 passes before they can shoot, or teams must have 1 designated ‘shooter’ who is rotated regularly.


Pause the game at regular intervals and ask the children where the best positions are if they want to score?

Overall, the most important thing to consider when moving into position to shoot is space. Is there enough space to dribble or receive the ball and is there enough time and space to shoot accurately?

Explain how feedback helps others to understand what they have done well and how they can get better. Ask the children to find a partner from their team and discuss with them how good they were are finding space to shoot.

Children perform a general movement based cool down working from a faster to a lower intensity. Teacher to lead stretching and mobilising.

Teaching Points

An effective warm up should: increase the heart rate, increase body temperature, warm up muscles, increase flexibility and mobility in muscles and joints.

Use a passing type technique with the inside of the foot, focus on accuracy over power, non-striking foot to be positioned next to the ball, back swing – contact and follow through, keep ball on the floor by keeping head over the ball when about to strike (not leaning back).

Discuss with the group why each sport may require a different warm up. Allow time to think about the sport they are taking part in and gather ideas for how the warm-up they have created could be adapted to meet the needs of the sport. Children may lead the warm-up for their group/ the class.

Encourage the children to constantly be thinking about creating space to score.

Are they doing this effectively? Are they too far away from the goal? Too close? Is the angle to shoot too tight?

Pupils should suggest that getting closer will increase the chances of shooting accurately but may allow a defender or goalkeeper to close them down. They may also comment on how shooting from further away makes it more difficult to be accurate but can prevent the opposition from blocking the shot.

Children to reflect on how a warm-up may develop a given skill (eg stamina). Can they tailor their warm up to develop that skill. (Groups may be given a skill to develop)