Year 6 Creating and Closing Space 2

To intercept and tackle to regain possession.


To evaluate their performance and make changes to increase chances of success

Social and Emotional 

To understand how to lead a sport specific warm up




Warm Up

Increase the area for children to move around in to support those who find negotiating space difficult.

Physical Competence

Children may work in similar or mixed ability pairs.

Lower achievers can practise in a less competitive environment

Higher achievers can play a 2v2 game to practise their defending skills and will help to organise their team when play a more competitive game. They can be set individual challenges within the game (e.g. 5 interceptions in the next 2 mins)

Decision Making

Space – make the area larger to ensure children have more time to think and clearer opportunities to pass.

Defenders may be more passive to begin with (applying pressure to attackers but not trying to take the ball)

Improving Performance

Give specific aspects to look for to help with feedback progress

Cool Down
Increase the area for children to move around in to support those who find negotiating space difficult.

Lesson 2

Numbers game

Children to move around the space showing changes in direction and speed. They respond to different numbers by getting into a group containing that number of children. Progress to adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing to make groups larger/smaller. E.g. 20-? 16 means children get into groups of 4.

Teacher led stretching of key muscles and mobilisation of joints.

Possession based learning

Split into groups of 3 and play a ‘piggy in the middle’ type game with two attackers and 1 defender.

Remind attacking players how their movements away from a defender and towards a space can help the player in possession.

Image Year 5 Footbal Lesson 2

Play a 3v3 game.

The attacking team must keep the ball away from the defender using the passing skills from above and the dribbling skills from earlier in the unit. Encourage children to move into space when their team has possession of the ball.

Defending team should use the intercepting skills they have practised in the lesson.

Ask children to talk about what skills they have used in a game. What defending tactics worked well and what might need changing next time they play?

Ask children to identify someone in their team who is good at creating space to receive a pass and someone who is good at closing the space down to make it harder for the opposition to dribble or pass.

Children perform a general movement based cool down working from a faster to a lower intensity. Teacher to lead stretching and mobilising.

Teaching Points

Discuss the different things a defender can do to make it difficult for the attackers.

Suggestions should include:

  • Being alert and ready to intercept (on the balls of feet ready to move)

Marking the receiving player by standing in front of them (ensure they are checking over their shoulder to see the attacker’s movements)

Encourage the defending team to communicate and work together i.e. each defender chooses an attacker to mark and communicates where and when attackers are moving.

Discuss with the group why each sport may require a different warm up. Allow time to think about the sport they are taking part in and gather ideas for how the warm-up they have created could be adapted to meet the needs of the sport. Children may lead the warm-up for their group/ the class.