Preparation for Inspection: What Governors Need to Know

Preparation for Inspection: What Governors Need to Know


£90.00 Sub Total
£0.00 Vat

£90.00 Your Price

This course will offer:

An outline of the inspection process and what the experience is like from phone call to feedback.

An overview of the impact of effective governance on Ofsted outcomes.

An overview on how governors can best prepare and be organised while utilising the tools and information of regular school self-evaluation.


Delegates will:

· understand the inspection process

· understand their responsibilities in supporting the school in demonstrating effective leadership

· understand what they need to consider to be well planned and organised for an inspection and how this is part of regular self-evaluation

· understand what they need to consider to be well planned and organised for an inspection and how this is part of regular self-evaluation

The price for this training session is £90 per delegate. Don’t forget – our Governor SLA packages offer unlimited access to Edsential’s annual governor training programme for all governors in your school. Prices start from just £515 – find out more and purchase here.

For schools already bought into the annual Governor Training SLA please continue to book this session below as normal – you will not be charged as part of your SLA.

Please inform us of the delegate’s email address at time of booking to allow us to provide the meeting link.

Dates & Locations:

This course has multiple dates and locations available. Please click the ‘Dates and Locations’ tab to view all dates and venues.

Preparation for Inspection: What Governors Need to Know

04th December 2024


08th January 2025


12th May 2025


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