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Effective Headteacher Performance Management

About the course: Appraisal is one part of continuous year-round staff performance management or development. It is a key part

Effective Governance – are you asking the right questions?

The governor role is strategic rather than operational. Governors don’t get involved with the day to day running of a

News & Pages

National Curriculum School Swimming

Health & Wellbeing

Quick Finder Our Team FAQ's ASA Training National Curriculum Fun Sessions Useful Documents Local Swimming Clubs Access Our SLA Members Page Members Links COVID-19 Policy and Guidance Swimming SLA Programme of Study Certificate Awards Assessing and Reporting Water Safety Booklet   Our school swimming team works with schools to provide the necessary support and training [...]

Learning Outside the Classroom

Health & Wellbeing

Learning outside the classroom (LOtC) is one of the most powerful learning tools at your disposal. Allowing you to be inventive and explore new ways to engage young people to support your curriculum. Quick Finder CPD & Whole School Development Teaching and Learning EVOLVE and Health & Safety Duke of Edinburgh and JASS Award Meet [...]