Learning Outside the Classroom

Helping facilitate learning beyond the classroom, where safety and well-being is at the forefront of our minds.

Our work supports schools looking to offer their students outdoor enriching activities at ease. We are proudly commissioned by Cheshire West and Chester, Cheshire East, Halton, and Wirral councils as well as Independent schools and multi-academy trusts.

We provide expert advice and guidance on the planning, monitoring, and auditing of your educational visits for local trips and international excursions – whether you are a British overseas school, an independent school, multi-academy trust (MAT), or a maintained school. Our service provides the EVOLVE platform for easy planning and auditing. Additionally, we provide a wide range of accredited online courses including  EVC and Visit Leader training.

For schools located in North Wales or the Northwest of England, our experienced outdoor learning practitioners can deliver in-school sessions via our programmes or bespoke packages. We also offer online training to all schools in the UK to enhance your LOtC Curriculum and prep your for your own delivery.

Duke of Edinburgh Award Expedition (1)

As an Expedition Approved Activity Provider (AAP), Conway Centres have been successfully delivering Duke of Edinburgh expeditions to schools for over 20 years. Young people will be supported to complete either their Bronze, Silver or Gold Expedition – all going towards their Duke of Edinburgh Award



“Informative and gave lots of new ideas.”

“A good balance of theory and practice. Well planned and prepared activities for staff to participate in.”


Young People

“It was great fun! We got the chance to do activities we don’t normally do like build shelters and fires. It was the best day ever.”

“I really enjoyed making bows and arrows. I learnt that I needed a bendy stick for it to work and wood from a Willow tree is the best.”


All of my children have loved the outdoor learning. It has been lovely to see my girls excited by what they have learnt and even role playing the different activities at home.

Deputy Headteacher – Wilmslow High

Edsential has been an invaluable partner in supporting the planning and risk assessment of our educational visits programme at Wilmslow High School. Their expertise, attention to detail, and accessibility — not to mention their patience — have been incredibly reassuring, making the entire process much easier to manage.

Learn more about the different LOTC Services for your school in this short clip:

Leaders in The Field

Our advisers bring extensive experience in education, outdoor activities, and industry, ensuring you are compliant with national guidance.


Our team have national representation…

Outdoor Education Advisers Panel (OEAP) & Chair the North West OEAP

British Activity providers association (BAPA)

Council of Learning Outside the Classroom (CLOTC)


Our Team have experience in the UK & overseas…

Primary schools, Secondary schools, Residential centres & in Educational programmes

Bethan Cooper-Weston

LOTC Manager


Jon Thorpe

LOTC Adviser


Kate Lodge

LOTC Adviser


Rachel Macdonald

LOTC Adviser


James Parker

LOTC Adviser
