Did you know that 22nd April marks the start of Allergy Awareness week 2024?
As the provider of over 20,000 school meals every day across the North West, Edsential takes allergens seriously. We want to take the time this Allergy Awareness Week to highlight all that we do to manage food allergies safely in our catered Schools and Residential Centres, whilst ensuring all children, young people and adults have access to a healthy nutritious meal, regardless of their dietary requirements.
Food Allergies – the facts:
- There are now 2 million people living with a food allergy in the UK.
- In the UK 8% of children live with a food allergy – this is rising.
- Food allergies are the most reported allergy in mainstream media because unfortunately, it can cause anaphylaxis, the most serious (and potentially fatal) allergic reaction.
- In children, the most common fatal food allergy is cow’s milk. However, someone can be allergic to any food and any food can lead to anaphylaxis in someone.
- People living with food allergies typically have to spend 14% more on their food bills than those without food allergies.
- 42% of parents caring for a child with food allergy meet the clinical threshold of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) due to their child’s allergies.
(Data: Allergy UK)
Edsential’s part to play:
- We manage special dietary and cultural requirements for all pupils across our schools to ensure children are fed in a safe and inviting environment. We successfully deliver over 900 special diets to children with allergens every day and support hundreds more with differing needs such as specific diets relating to religious beliefs, veganism, and diabetes, to name a few.
- We know how difficult it can be for children and their parents living with food allergies. We ensure that children with allergens are provided with choice – to ensure both inclusivity and that they enjoy the meal.
- Edsential’s Food Allergen Policy details our robust, well-established processes and procedures for the management of special dietary and cultural requirements, that ensure all children are fed safely. They follow all DfE, Food Standards Agency and Allergy UK requirements and good practices. They were developed in association with Cheshire West and Chester Local Authority and are regularly benchmarked against industry and competitor good practices.
- Our policy includes responsibilities for parents/carers, education settings, Edsential HQ, and Edsential Kitchens which are clearly outlined to all involved. When an allergy is highlighted its ensures that everyone knows their part to play. It makes sure that there are a many layers of protection for the child and giving those involved confidence to provide for the child safely and to the highest standard possible.
- In Secondary Schools, where students may have more personal responsibility for self-managing their medical conditions, we work with the pupil and the establishment in accordance with local school policies and individual health care plans to support food requirements. The school catering team work in partnership with students to devise menus and food choices suitable for their specific allergen or dietary requirement daily.
- All kitchen staff are appropriately trained in allergens relevant to their job role. All Staff complete the Food Standards Agency training and pass the exam. Catering Supervisors receive additional online training to assist in the management of medical diets. Edsential hold regular reviews of our supply chain/products and amend product changes accordingly. This is undertaken by Edsential HQ – Catering Management and then communicated to all staff

Allergy UK is the leading national patient charity for people living with all types of allergy. Their vision is for a world where no one dies from an allergy, so they are on a mission to make everyone in the UK take allergy’s seriously. Read more here
To find out more about Edsential Catering contact the team via email: Catering@edsential.co.uk or call 0151 541 2170