Governor Hub Subscription

Governor Hub Subscription


£430.00 Sub Total
£0.00 Vat

£430.00 Your Price

Governor Hub is an online service designed to help governing boards run efficiently.  It is used by over 6,000 schools across the country. Governor Hub helps trustees, governors and clerks to communicate and store documents, membership details, meeting schedules and other information in one secure and accessible place.

Governor Hub brings together the key things you need as a governing body in a GDPR-compliant system:

  • Confidential encrypted online storage of documents in one place, accessible by all the members of the governing board.
  • Links to DfE and Ofsted data about the school.
  • Tools for clerks to manage membership, roles, committees and organise meetings quickly and easily.
  • Apps for iPad, iPhone and Android which can be used to download documents to use in meetings even if there’s no Internet access.

Governor Hub also links trustees and governors with their local Governor Support service – in their local authority, clerking service or multi-academy trust.

This includes:

  • News and information from the local experts within the Governor Services or MAT team.
  • Answers to most commonly asked questions.
  • Standard documents from your Governor Services or MAT team.
  • The ability to book training, track your training record and download certificates for courses taken.

For advice and answers please click – Click Here

We also now have a try before you buy option! Find Out More.

The Governor Hub subscription runs from 1st May to 30th April, though schools may purchase part way through the year. For more information on purchasing Governor Hub please get in touch at

Governor Hub subscription will start on 01/05/2025 and continue for 365 days

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Governor Hub subscription will start on 01/05/2025 and continue for 365 days

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