Understanding school finance and Asking the Right Questions – Online Training

Understanding school finance and Asking the Right Questions – Online Training

E Learning

£90.00 Sub Total
£0.00 Vat

£90.00 Your Price

What you will learn:

  • To provide key information on central and local government funding and how much your school receives.
  • Provide an understanding of budget planning in a maintained school in the current financial climate.
  • Explain the financial accountability role of governors and tools available to help to ask the right questions.

Delegates will:

  • Understand the methodology and process of school finance
  • Be confident to review budget sheets and offer questions and ensure financial health, probity, and value for money for the school
  • Understand their role and responsibility in budget planning and the impact this has on financial and educational outcomes.

The price for this training session is £90 per delegate. Don’t forget – our Governor SLA packages offer unlimited access to Edsential’s annual governor training programme for all governors in your school. Prices start from just £515 – find out more and purchase here.

For schools already bought into the annual Governor Training SLA please continue to book this session below as normal – you will not be charged as part of your SLA.


25th September 2024
17:00 - 19:00
15th January 2025
17:00 - 19:00


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